Thursday, January 27, 2011

You can talk the talk.....

but can you walk the walk?  Today, my best friend suggested that not only do I incorporate the good deals that I come across, but also I needed to share my capabilities as a bargainer.  I get told probably daily that I look like Cameron Diaz (ha ha) and that I ALWAYS get people to do what I want.  At first I was kind of taken off guard by that comment.... am I brat or something?  As I thought about it though, it is quite true!  If something does not feel right to me or I do not feel I am getting the best deal I will suggest (in some cases strongly encourage) that the price meet my demands :)  The way in which I go about doing this is a gift from my parents; both of them being in sales their entire life.  When I was a child my teachers would always tell my mom at parents teacher conference that they were extremely grateful to have me in their class because I kept the other kids in line.  It became a family joke that I would in fact be the first female president due to this talent that I possessed.  By no means do I ever use this gift to do harm unto others though.  I am a firm believer in karma as well as the old saying "do unto others as you would have done unto you".  I myself am in sales and therefore I am extremely cautious of people's time being very valuable.  Lets be honest I purchased my car last year after spending no more than fifteen minutes test driving the vehicle.  Prior to the initial meeting with the salesperson I had done my part by researching online to determine fair trade-in value as well as a fair purchase price for the vehicle.  It is crucial that as bargain hunters we do our part prior to every negotiating on  the value of any item.  With that background information you will have the required confidence and know how in order to persuade anyone.  That being said, I want everyone to narrow in on your next big purchase and take my advice prior to making any commitments in purchasing the item.  Trust me in the long run the ten minutes spent researching and deciding a bottom line price you are willing to spend will save you vast amounts of money!!!

Take for instance this receipt from Smith's, at the bottom it tells you how much you have saved by using coupons.  This receipt was in September and I had already saved $210.54!!!  Each $.50 coupon truly does add up quickly.  Get out there with your new knowledge and get saving!!!  

1 comment:

  1. Does it seriously say Lima Beans on that receipt? I think your the only one I know who like Lima Beans.

    I know some ladies who avid couponers and save a ton of money doing the doublers and price matching and usually for stuff they dont really need but end up buying because it's such a good deal. I have never been able to get into that.

    But since reading your blog I feel inspired to do a little research for the items that I do purchase. I really liked the part about you saved over $200 throughout the year by using .50 cent coupons each time. Those truly add up.

    One of the qualities I first learned about you is your thrifty personality. In the past six years you would always put items back in a store after saying you'd wait because you didn't want to pay full price or had a coupon at home for that item.
